Knowing More About The Signs And Symptoms Of Meningitis

Meningitis is named in the list of the most dangerous diseases which can kill in hours. The disease occurs due to some swellings in the membranes that cover the spinal cord and the brains. The signs and symptoms of meningitis are always similar to those of flu. One can hardly make a difference of the two. The symptoms are however serious in critical conditions. The disease is classified according to causal organism, which includes the virus, fungi or bacteria.

The toddlers and the young children are the most vulnerable group since they have an immune system that is not fully developed. Their parents should therefore pay much attention to any symptoms that they see. The signs include fever and cold hands and feet. Their skin gets rashes, they have unusual crying, they refuse food and sometimes they vomit.

The above are not the only symptoms. The children will be observed to have a very fast breathing. Their response when picked up is negative and they have a stiff neck. Their appetite is also poor and they have seizures. Knowing the signs is a vital thing since the vaccines available may not be very effective.

There are many people out there who still believe that meningitis only affects children, but to the contrary, this disease can affect a person of any age. In adults, some signs are similar to those of children like fever, vomiting and a pale skin with rashes. The patient will also experience headaches which might be severe at times, and a stiff neck.

Infected adults also feel drowsiness and their bodies feel weak. Victims have difficulties in waking up and they do not like bright lights. A lot of pain is experienced in the body parts that have muscles. The suspected patients might be unconscious of whatever they are doing and are sometimes confused. The person might tend to be aggressive or quick to anger and will also have convulsions.

With good knowledge of these signs and symptoms, one can be able to act fast when they suspect the disease. The infected should be rushed to a health center, where a specialist can handle the case. Blood tests will be carried out to determine if the person is sick or not, and if meningitis is found, the person will be put under medication.

The causal type of the meningitis dictates the kind of treatment to be given to a patient. The fungal type is mainly known to affect people with low immunity like those with Aids. These are going to take anti-fungal drugs for a very long time together with drugs that can boost their immunity. Antibiotics can completely heal bacterial type of this infection, while for the viral; its treatment will include pain medications coupled with a lot of fluids and bed rest.

There is a very dire need for people all over the world to know the signs and symptoms of meningitis. People are advised to remain vigilant and to try and get medical help as quickly as possible whenever they suspect it.There are emergency numbers that people can call for quick assistance. This will help a lot in saving lives.

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